Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Auction: MUSIC, December 10, 2010 @Phillips London

Phillips continues its 2010 series of themed sales later this week in London with a selection of works entitled "MUSIC". The sale is generally grouped by artist/performer (from Mick Jagger and Jimi Hendrix to Patti Smith and the Sex Pistols), with a smattering of album covers, music themed artworks, and other ephemera mixed in amongst the photography. Overall, there are a total of 75 lots of photography available here, with a Total High Estimate for photography of £351450.

Here's the statistical breakdown:

Total Low Lots (high estimate up to and including £5000): 64
Total Low Estimate (sum of high estimates of Low lots): £155450

Total Mid Lots (high estimate between £5000 and £25000): 9
Total Mid Estimate: £126000

Total High Lots (high estimate above £25000): 2
Total High Estimate: £70000

The top lot by High estimate is lot 1, Idris Khan, Rachmaninoff...Preludes, 2007, at £35000-40000. (Image at right, middle via Phillips.)

Here is the list of the photographers who are represented by three or more lots in the sale (with the number of lots in parentheses):

Annie Leibovitz (4)
David Redfern (4)
Claude Gassian (3)
William Gottlieb (3)
Herman Leonard (3)
Mick Rock (3)
Lawrence Watson (3)
Alfred Wertheimer (3)
(Lot 215, Joel Brodsky, Jim Morrison, the Doors, the American poet, New York City, 1967/Later, at £20000-30000, at right, top, and lot 124, Art Kane, The Rolling Stones, Circle Portrait, 1966/Later, at £10000-15000, at right, bottom, via Phillips.)

Phillips has recently introduced a fancier, more catalogue-like online viewing system. Unfortunately, it is not as quickly navigable as the old more straightforward layout. In any case, the complete lot by lot catalog for both sessions (Day and Evening) can be found here.
December 10th
Howick Place
London SW1P 1BB

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