Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Reason for the Intermittent Posts

In the past week or so, many of you have emailed me directly saying "where are you?" The answer is that no, I am not on some exotic summer vacation, but actually, I suppose that you could say I am on a kind of medical leave. A couple of weeks ago, I somehow pinched a nerve in my upper back (technically bulged discs in my cervical spine). While this might not normally slow a person down much beyond some pain, in this case, I have the unfortunate side effect of pain and numbness radiating down my right arm. For a right handed person like myself, the lack of functionality of my dominant arm is plenty annoying and makes seemingly trivial tasks much more of an adventure.

In my normal life, writing for this site is carefully wedged between family and work time, with not much slack in the overall system. In the past few weeks, various doctor/specialist visits, physical therapy and the like have intruded into this tight schedule, effectively pushing my writing down a rung or two. Something had to give, and the volume of posts here is the victim.

That said, I do have plenty of shows backed up to write about, as well as an overdue response to collector and friend Joe Baio's recent thoughtful dissection of my auction results posts (found in the comments of the last Yann Le Mouel report). They'll just come a little more intermittently until my arm/back is in better shape, hopefully a couple per week, but not likely every work day for the time being. As soon as the body is willing, I'll ramp back up to my usual pace, so please bear with me during this more quiet summer interlude.


  1. Get well soon! The 'people' need you back in the field of duty ^_^

  2. Agreed. Feel better and keep stretching!

  3. I'm one of your dependent regulars. My doctor prescribed me anti-anxiety medication for your back problem, and I'm holding up well considering your condition.

    Please get well soon, before your condition leads to my prescription drug addiction.

    Thinking mostly of you, Rudy

  4. Feel better, sir!


  5. Bummer! I'm sure you'll be back to 100% very soon.

  6. I will echo previous remarks. Your posts are missed. Hope you get well in the nearest future.
