Here's the breakdown:
Total Low Lots (high estimate up to and including $10000): 59
Total Low Estimate (sum of high estimates of Low lots): $315700
Total Mid Lots (high estimate between $10000 and $50000): 17
Total Mid Estimate: $351000
Total High Lots (high estimate above $50000): 2
Total High Estimate: $170000
The top lot by High estimate is lot 192, Vik Muniz, Maria Callas (from Diamond Divas), 2004 at $70000-90000.
Here's a list of all the photographers who are represented by more than one lot in the sale (with the number of lots on offer in parentheses):
Manuel Alvarez Bravo (9)
Luis Gonzalez Palma (6)
Tina Modotti (5)
Mauricio Alejo (3)
Vik Muniz (3)
Miguel Rio Branco (2)
Lola Alvarez Bravo (2)
Marta Maria Perez Bravo (2)
Martin Chambi (2)
Graciela Iturbide (2)
Alberto Korda (2)
Leo Matiz (2)
Enrique Metindes (2)
Mario Cravo Neto (2)
Edward Weston (2)
Marina Yampolsky (2)
While there weren't too many great fits for our collection, we did like lot 54 Tina Modotti, Untitled (corn), 1920s.
The complete lot by lot catalog can be found here.
Latin America
October 3rd
Phillips De Pury & Company
450 West 15 Street
New York, NY 10011
the photograhic world
is one great sham -
all collecting names =$$$$$.As for creativity
laughable -it was Picasso who called it the art form of the second rate
The use of the term "art medium" is, to say the least, misleading, for it is the artist that creates a work of art not the medium. It is the artist in photography that gives form to content by a distillation of ideas, thought, experience, insight and understanding. - Edward Steichen
An individual that believes that the numerous artists that have used photography to express themselves have laughable creative talent, cannot have experienced a great photograph. I would recommend buying the just published "Circus" by Steidl for $60, have a good look at the front cover and consider the talent that produced this remarkable portrait of Jimmy the clown, or get to a museum and sit down in front of a print of Washington Square by Kertesz and experience how this great photograph also goes way beyond the medium in its ability to influence the viewer.
Given your skeptical comments about photography and collectors, I suppose this forum is not likely to be a great fit for you. That said, if you're willing to have an open mind, I think the topics we cover here might help change your mind about photography (in its many forms) and its rightful place among the other visual arts. I'd encourage you to listen for a while and then perhaps revisit your conclusions.
How much do you suppose this catalogue is ? Thanks. (I have one to sell).
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