Here's the statistical breakdown:
Total Low Lots (high estimate up to and including $10000): 260
Total Low Estimate (sum of high estimates of Low lots): $1669700
Total Mid Lots (high estimate between $10000 and $50000): 138
Total Mid Estimate: $2742000
Total High Lots (high estimate above $50000): 12
Total High Estimate: $1040000
The top lot by High estimate is tied between two lots: lot 47, Robert Frank, Trolley-New Orleans, 1956/1970s, (image at right, top, via Phillips), and lot 64, Richard Avedon, Brigitte Bardot, Hair by Alexandre, Paris Studio, 1959, both at $100000-150000.
Ruth Bernhard (26)
Harry Callahan (20)
Robert Mapplethorpe (12)
Horst P. Horst (9)
Andre Kertesz (9)
Irving Penn (9)
Herb Ritts (8)
Peter Beard (6)
Henri Cartier-Bresson (6)
Sally Mann (6)
Vik Muniz (6)
Arnold Newman (6)
Ansel Adams (5)
Walker Evans (5)
Robert Frank (5)
Lee Friedlander (5)
Helmut Newton (5)
Erwin Olaf (5)
A few images that caught my eye for our own collection include:
Lot 78, Harry Callahan, Eleanor, Chicago, 1949
Lot 159, Edward Steichen, Foxgloves, France, 1926
Lot 299, Adam Fuss, Untitled, 1995 (image at right, bottom, via Phillips)
The complete lot by lot catalog can be found here.
October 8th
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