The summary statistics are below (all results include the buyer’s premium):
Total Lots: 410
Pre Sale Low Total Estimate: $3804800
Pre Sale Low Total Estimate: $3804800
Pre Sale High Total Estimate: $5451700
Total Lots Sold: 254
Total Lots Bought In: 156
Buy In %: 38.05%
Total Sale Proceeds: $3987800
Total Lots Sold: 254
Total Lots Bought In: 156
Buy In %: 38.05%
Total Sale Proceeds: $3987800
Low Total Lots: 260
Low Sold: 151
Low Bought In: 109
Buy In %: 41.92%
Total Low Estimate: $1669700
Low Sold: 151
Low Bought In: 109
Buy In %: 41.92%
Total Low Estimate: $1669700
Total Low Sold: $951125
Mid Total Lots: 138
Mid Sold: 93
Mid Sold: 93
Mid Bought In: 45
Buy In %: 32.61%
Total Mid Estimate: $2742000
Total Mid Sold: $2027675
Buy In %: 32.61%
Total Mid Estimate: $2742000
Total Mid Sold: $2027675
High Total Lots: 12
High Sold: 10
High Bought In: 2
Buy In %: 16.67%
Total High Estimate: $1040000
Total High Sold: $1009000
High Sold: 10
High Bought In: 2
Buy In %: 16.67%
Total High Estimate: $1040000
Total High Sold: $1009000
The top lot by High estimate was tied between two lots: lot 47, Robert Frank, Trolley-New Orleans, 1956/1970s, and lot 64, Richard Avedon, Brigitte Bardot, Hair by Alexandre, Paris Studio, 1959, both at $100000-150000. The Frank sold for $158500 and the Avedon sold for $170500, but neither was the top outcome of the sale. The top outcome was lot 22, Irving Penn, Pablo Picasso at La Californie, Cannes, 1967/1978, at $182500.
Lot 55, Irving Penn, Chef, New York, 1951/1967, at $134500 (image at right, top, via Phillips)
Lot 218, Allen Ginsberg, Heroic Portrait of Jack Kerouac, New York, 1963/Later, at $16250 (image at right, middle, via Phillips)
Lot 241, Peter Beard, Rhino Roping (for release in Tsavo), Kenya, 1977, at $16250 (image at right, bottom, via Phillips)
Lot 269, Robert Adams, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1968, at $18750
Lot 387, Alex Guofeng Cao, Warhol vs. Mao, After Mapplethorpe, 2009, at $10000
Lot 387, Alex Guofeng Cao, Warhol vs. Mao, After Mapplethorpe, 2009, at $10000
Complete lot by lot results can be found here.
450 West 15th Street
New York, NY 10011
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